When we were presented with the brief i decided pretty much straight away that i wanted to do somthing differant to what people would percieve as an island. I didnt really like the idea of having a character stranded somewhere out at sea or on an island up in space but use a somewhere that a lot of people are familiar with the UK - Council Estates which in some respects are islands any way due to the type of people that are stereotypically associated with them and the appearance that the majority of these areas have, run down, poor and places that produce all criminals, drug addicts, yobs, uneducated youths and sponging parents on the dole. Over the past10 - 15 years a new stereotype has arised from these run down areas and has now become a dictionary entry. . . . .CHAVS
They will be the main focus for my game, which will be set within a council estate in Leeds.
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